Sunday, May 9, 2010

I Believe 我相信

Cuz I Believe, Cuz I Believe, 每个呼吸都有意义
逝去的太多啊, 没有时间叹息, 再迷惘也继续。。。

好厉害的海豚音,我想,这就是‘人各有所长’的表现。上帝是公平的,他给你魔鬼的身材,就未必也给你天使的面孔。既使都给你好看了,他未必给你崇高的智慧,就算什么都给你了,好让别人投给你羡慕与仰望的眼光,可是,内心的满足与平静还是得由你自己去揣摩。昨晚和朋友唱KTV,朋友说:“这把年纪,真的好难好难把大家call出来聚一聚了。” 是吗? 曾经,自己钻牛角尖的那些日子,别说要把朋友call 出来见一见,我连自己出门逛逛的勇气也没。 对,我是说 - 勇气。要改变一些事情,或多或少,是需要勇气的。过去的,都过去了,真的,每一天睁开眼睛,时间都在改变着一切,可是这一切却没办法改变时间。明白了,就要去相信,去相信在背叛与圆谎的背后,这个世界还是会有让我们值得去相信的人与事。
There can be miracles, when you believe
Though hope is frail, it's hard to kill
Who knows what miracles you can achieve
When you believe, somehow you will
You will when you believe.

相信我的朋友,会爱我,也爱我爱听的歌~ 我爱你们。
I LOVE YOU. I really love you all !


  1. I haven't watch the animation... you have the DVD?

  2. "There is a will. There is a way." Once my close friend said so.

    That may be the fuel to keep anyone going forward and waking up the next morning.

    We believe something better awaiting for us, to the least, something fresher.

  3. V- Luckily you didn't tell me "If you think you can, you can." I HATE that :P

    yup, totally agreed. I always believe the better is awaiting me to discover, but nothing to lose if I fail to discover, cuz i'm already holding the GOOD ONE. CONTENTMENT is the key.

  4. That quote which my close friend use to tease me with it.

    Guess how I feel about it.

    That friend is no longer in my life, but that quote follows me to these days.

  5. well~ my usual quote to my friends who love to dwell on things: "MOVE ON!".
    no matter how we feel what went wrong how we planned what we hope... life moves on. Put aside emotional part, we just need that COURAGE to make a step forward.
