Saturday, July 19, 2014

No news is Good news

奈何, 人生无常。
昨天想起死亡和离别的画面, 加上妈妈身体的状况, 让我心情低落无语, 晚上睡不好, 闷热的天气整身黏黏的, 辗转难眠, 发了奇奇怪怪的梦, 到友人家作客留夜, 越热闹温馨的画面越倍感孤单无助, 早上醒过来时心情是忐忑的, 早餐吃着伊面猪肉汤的时候, 就接到坏消息了, 国宝单身的三姑确诊乳癌, 将尽快安排切除手术, 天啊, 可以让我们两家人远离医院吗?

1 comment:

  1. Look at it positively. She still have a chance to recover after operation and chemo. My mother did not has this luxury. Please advise her to do operation and chemo treatment. This is a chance for her to have a new life by changing the her emotion, and diet. You have so much burden...Take care my friend.
