Wednesday, March 31, 2010
BB Cream 真的那么好吗?
我,有个坚持的信念 -
假如有人对我说某某好烂, 我还是情愿相信自己看得见的事实。
那~ 接下来我要摘要的,有增加说服力了吧~
护肤是女人一辈子的功课,你不会反对吧?我从来都不会把一set一set的护肤品牌全系列的买下来。一来,没那么多钱。二来,有多余钱我也不舍得。三,我总觉得:天底下的女人,各有各的体质肤色和毛病,不可能单一品牌可以打天下吧?那其他品牌怎么立足?? 没办法,蜂人就是爱细心地求证(N/A to 公事),各种品牌的 Best Seller 都希望能买回家试用, 试用期通常都限在一个月。Watson/Guardian的开架品,Counter的专柜品牌,美容院或是直销的独家产品,我都会买,只要它在某功能上有令人惊喜的效果。当然,适合我皮肤质性的未必适合大家, 护肤的学问还是需要一些基本的常识的。先天肤质的不足,是需要后天的努力修护和资料搜寻的 -- 防晒,防皱,防老化,补湿,紧致,去角质层,去黑头,去粉刺,消痘痘,白天精华液, 晚上润肤霜,还没看见神迹的神奇水和各种类的面膜等等等等。。。在加上每一期的Body杂志的产品推介与试用回响,我,是有些些的分享能供参考的。 有兴趣进一步了解的话,欢迎留言~~
我从护肤心得中领略到 - ‘用人’的道理。
大部分肤浅的老板都ASSUME下属是‘全能的’。一人多功能;一职多差使。you know? All-In-One. 一支BB cream就能搞定你的脸, 你信吗?就算你有一支全能高级BB cream, 你难道就否定燕窝的美容养颜的价值吗?你也太天真了吧!
人- 各有所长。取其长而避其短的道理不会只有高人才能明白吧。用人不疑,疑人不用。
假如有人对我说某某好烂, 我还是情愿相信自己看得见的事实。
那~ 接下来我要摘要的,有增加说服力了吧~
护肤是女人一辈子的功课,你不会反对吧?我从来都不会把一set一set的护肤品牌全系列的买下来。一来,没那么多钱。二来,有多余钱我也不舍得。三,我总觉得:天底下的女人,各有各的体质肤色和毛病,不可能单一品牌可以打天下吧?那其他品牌怎么立足?? 没办法,蜂人就是爱细心地求证(N/A to 公事),各种品牌的 Best Seller 都希望能买回家试用, 试用期通常都限在一个月。Watson/Guardian的开架品,Counter的专柜品牌,美容院或是直销的独家产品,我都会买,只要它在某功能上有令人惊喜的效果。当然,适合我皮肤质性的未必适合大家, 护肤的学问还是需要一些基本的常识的。先天肤质的不足,是需要后天的努力修护和资料搜寻的 -- 防晒,防皱,防老化,补湿,紧致,去角质层,去黑头,去粉刺,消痘痘,白天精华液, 晚上润肤霜,还没看见神迹的神奇水和各种类的面膜等等等等。。。在加上每一期的Body杂志的产品推介与试用回响,我,是有些些的分享能供参考的。 有兴趣进一步了解的话,欢迎留言~~
我从护肤心得中领略到 - ‘用人’的道理。
大部分肤浅的老板都ASSUME下属是‘全能的’。一人多功能;一职多差使。you know? All-In-One. 一支BB cream就能搞定你的脸, 你信吗?就算你有一支全能高级BB cream, 你难道就否定燕窝的美容养颜的价值吗?你也太天真了吧!
人- 各有所长。取其长而避其短的道理不会只有高人才能明白吧。用人不疑,疑人不用。
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
昨晚那篇 – 啊~ 被撒旦缠上了。
Love is patient; love is kind;
Love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude.
It does not insist on its own way;
It is not irritable or resentful;
It does not rejoice in wrong doing, but rejoices in the truth.
It bears all things, believes all things,
Hopes all things, endures all things.
Love never ends.
也, 无忘。
有人说:Forgive and Forget
我说:No need to forgive. There is no anger no hatred, then there is nothing to forgive. And Don’t forget. Always remember what you learned from the past and don’t repeat the same mistake.
Love is patient; love is kind;
Love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude.
It does not insist on its own way;
It is not irritable or resentful;
It does not rejoice in wrong doing, but rejoices in the truth.
It bears all things, believes all things,
Hopes all things, endures all things.
Love never ends.
也, 无忘。
有人说:Forgive and Forget
我说:No need to forgive. There is no anger no hatred, then there is nothing to forgive. And Don’t forget. Always remember what you learned from the past and don’t repeat the same mistake.
Monday, March 29, 2010
你。见过 -鬼- 吗?
有D人真係唔死都冇用。我讲紧既係果D一味净係识得夺命追魂call, 总之就係怨鬼缠身既死净种,只有佢可以呃你、搵你笨、同笈你电话,你唔可以唔听佢来电、佢搵其它女你唔可以唔爽、佢问候你啊妈啊爸啊姐啊妹你要明白佢感受,分左手你都要随传随到,再听佢申啊边个边个欠左佢,仲要解释你点解迟左两秒接佢电话。就算你地乜都完哂,改埋电话,佢都照样招到你既魂,懒有heart 咁要睇你过得比佢有几好,仲好白痴咁问你点解要换电话号码,再好有style咁叫你諗番佢以前都好委屈地付出。 我妖~!
呢种‘鬼’(我冇办法归纳佢为人或男人), 我想diu佢好耐啦!
(唔怪得电讯公司咁发达啦,真係换几次号码都唔掂,赶唔到D怨鬼ga~仲搞到我要爆哂粗添!顶 - 真係火都来~)
呢种‘鬼’(我冇办法归纳佢为人或男人), 我想diu佢好耐啦!
(唔怪得电讯公司咁发达啦,真係换几次号码都唔掂,赶唔到D怨鬼ga~仲搞到我要爆哂粗添!顶 - 真係火都来~)
I started to collect magnets since not too long ago. I wanted to keep magnets as my collectibles every time after I visited a country, or a city. This, somehow, motivates me to travel to more places, to explore, and to expose myself. Also, to remember where I’ve been to, and with who. I love those that in the shape of a state or country. I also love those in the shape of fruits representing the specialties of that place. Sometimes, I would just stand infront of the fridge door, stare at the magnets, and my memories flow back … …
Slowly, friends started to buy me magnets from their trips. One after another one, I’m touched. Those are friends who would remember me even they are away from home; when they were having sweet adventurous time, they remember to bring me special magnets. I’m blessed. Slowly, I’m having more magnets on my fridge’s sidewalls. I started to forgot how many are from myself, and how many are from friends and relatives. I realized, not much are really from myself. That’s an indication: - It’s been quite long I didn’t go for vacation. I need a break, a long break, a long vacation. A vacation that I could add more magnets to my collectibles.
Slowly, friends started to buy me magnets from their trips. One after another one, I’m touched. Those are friends who would remember me even they are away from home; when they were having sweet adventurous time, they remember to bring me special magnets. I’m blessed. Slowly, I’m having more magnets on my fridge’s sidewalls. I started to forgot how many are from myself, and how many are from friends and relatives. I realized, not much are really from myself. That’s an indication: - It’s been quite long I didn’t go for vacation. I need a break, a long break, a long vacation. A vacation that I could add more magnets to my collectibles.
《塔逻牌二访》- 上回的解说,我有强烈的事业运,创业是适合的,辅助他人创业也大好。这回,牌的解说是:快则三个月,慢则六个月,换了还会再换。六月?九月?我-会留在这,还是继续我一贯的mobile生活呢?太令人有无穷的遐想了。 当然,我不是一个谜信的人,更不提倡算命改运换名作法等等,可是,有个说法:我想, 我的屁股是尖的 - 坐唔定!我没办法打同一份工到退休。没办法。我说过我是个没大志的人,可是总遇到对我寄予高期望的人,总认为我能胜任一切,总觉得我实力非凡,总要我身兼多职,不停的要我增加工作量,不断的提醒我安分守己是落后的,做生做死才为上策,唯从是命是准则,对错与否与加薪无直接关系。我,是落后的。 没办法,我已立志当个成功的家庭主妇了,目前这么一份‘超地位’的差使,我怎么能担当得来呢?
Friday, March 26, 2010
One night, my buddy sent me an URL link... which is a song by a Sarawakian lady, named Zee Avi, and the title is "Honey Bee". He told me that I would love this song. I watched it from YouTube and I wanna share it here:
Honey Bee's Theme Song - 蜜蜜B的主题曲
I am a honey bee
Shunned off from the colony
And they won’t let me in
So I left the hive
They took away all my stripes
And broke off both my wings
So I’ll find another tree
And make the wind my friend
I’ll just sing with the birds
They’ll tell me secrets off the world
But my other honey bee
Stuck where he doesn’t wanna be
Oh my darling honey bee
I’ll come save you
Even if it means I’ll have to face the queen
So I’ll come prepared
My new friends say they would help me
Get my loved one back
They say it isn’t right
The bees have control of your mind
But I choose not to believe that
So we’ll meet in the darkness of the night
And I’ll promise I will be there on time
We’ll be guided by my new friends the butterflies
Bring us back to our own little hive
Oh my other honey bee
No longer stuck where he doesn’t wanna be
Oh my darling honey bee
I have saved you
And now that you’re with me
We can make our own honey
Me = HoneyBee
Darling HoneyBee = Me
Butterflies = Honey Bee = Me
we are always the one who confused ourselves.
because we are the only one who control our minds
only when we believe in ourselves
and know what we want
and where we do not want to stuck at
we can find our hives
we can make our own Honey
Honey Bee's Theme Song - 蜜蜜B的主题曲
I am a honey bee
Shunned off from the colony
And they won’t let me in
So I left the hive
They took away all my stripes
And broke off both my wings
So I’ll find another tree
And make the wind my friend
I’ll just sing with the birds
They’ll tell me secrets off the world
But my other honey bee
Stuck where he doesn’t wanna be
Oh my darling honey bee
I’ll come save you
Even if it means I’ll have to face the queen
So I’ll come prepared
My new friends say they would help me
Get my loved one back
They say it isn’t right
The bees have control of your mind
But I choose not to believe that
So we’ll meet in the darkness of the night
And I’ll promise I will be there on time
We’ll be guided by my new friends the butterflies
Bring us back to our own little hive
Oh my other honey bee
No longer stuck where he doesn’t wanna be
Oh my darling honey bee
I have saved you
And now that you’re with me
We can make our own honey
Me = HoneyBee
Darling HoneyBee = Me
Butterflies = Honey Bee = Me
we are always the one who confused ourselves.
because we are the only one who control our minds
only when we believe in ourselves
and know what we want
and where we do not want to stuck at
we can find our hives
we can make our own Honey
Thursday, March 25, 2010
- 我的志愿- (续)
成功的家庭主妇正解:能煮不必煮, 能做家务不必做,能生不必生 - 生了马上收身,全天候不必上班也不与社会脱节 - 商场走透透附属卡也刷不爆,全年无忧,还有, 还有一张专科文凭在手-ANYTIME可以Interview。
家庭主妇首要基本功就是能烧一手好菜,成功与否在于吃的人是否都只忙着咀嚼而说不出赞美的话。一桌子的满汉全席并无过人之处,重点在于都是他喜爱与念念不忘又回味无穷的。一粒新鲜烫熟的水煮蛋,配上鲜味的酱油沾着吃。。。那是一种感动。感动的事,在于你能否掌控那空虚的时机。简单的烹饪却夹杂着人与人之间复杂的了解。入得厨房- 只是基本功。
能做家务也只是先决条件 – 能不能把家keep得一个温暖窝, 和做不做家务,是有别的。躺在整齐的沙发上,身旁有个舒服的小抱枕、随手可得的Tissue、还有那支“不求人”。。。贴心,也是一种感动。
我立志要当个成功的家庭主妇 –
要能煮他爱吃的, 要能在小细节上对他贴心,能理财,能管家,他累了我能让他在捶背中入睡,在他起身前把爱心早餐准备好,能下锅,能上网,全天候的特别私人助理, 有Sense, 有brain, 有cert, 有heart, 有humor, 有病有insurance cover, 无病有补品补身养颜, 多财多艺,有才有色(没先天条件也要有后天弥补的本钱), 最重要是 - 有牌打!
成功的家庭主妇正解:能煮不必煮, 能做家务不必做,能生不必生 - 生了马上收身,全天候不必上班也不与社会脱节 - 商场走透透附属卡也刷不爆,全年无忧,还有, 还有一张专科文凭在手-ANYTIME可以Interview。
家庭主妇首要基本功就是能烧一手好菜,成功与否在于吃的人是否都只忙着咀嚼而说不出赞美的话。一桌子的满汉全席并无过人之处,重点在于都是他喜爱与念念不忘又回味无穷的。一粒新鲜烫熟的水煮蛋,配上鲜味的酱油沾着吃。。。那是一种感动。感动的事,在于你能否掌控那空虚的时机。简单的烹饪却夹杂着人与人之间复杂的了解。入得厨房- 只是基本功。
能做家务也只是先决条件 – 能不能把家keep得一个温暖窝, 和做不做家务,是有别的。躺在整齐的沙发上,身旁有个舒服的小抱枕、随手可得的Tissue、还有那支“不求人”。。。贴心,也是一种感动。
我立志要当个成功的家庭主妇 –
要能煮他爱吃的, 要能在小细节上对他贴心,能理财,能管家,他累了我能让他在捶背中入睡,在他起身前把爱心早餐准备好,能下锅,能上网,全天候的特别私人助理, 有Sense, 有brain, 有cert, 有heart, 有humor, 有病有insurance cover, 无病有补品补身养颜, 多财多艺,有才有色(没先天条件也要有后天弥补的本钱), 最重要是 - 有牌打!
- 我的志愿-
我到此刻都还不确定什么样的工作适合我, 可我也想不到什么行业会让我有“为生活为地位为理想而奋斗”的冲劲。那-胸怀大志-的小宇宙好像都没在我身上产生。
17岁,我坚决不报考SPM。不屑轻易得来的A 。
高中毕业后,心疼nene送我的Petrof钢琴才弹了没两年,所以我就去了Sedaya College, 打算报读音乐教育系。(当时Yamaha 还没设立专属学院,Sedaya是唯一提供音乐双联课程的学院)当然,那天过后我就没踏入Sedaya的门了。原因有2个:念音乐的学费是Engineering Major的4 倍!还要Audition 过关!钱和面子我都过不了关也~有自知之明也算是优点吧。
最保险的,就是和大伙去报读Engineering, 还能借Notes呢~
从此 人生就和梦想背道而驰了-
19岁,为了体验将要出国留学的滋味, 家人同意让我搬出去,在college附近租了房子, 就学者“独立”的自由。 自由,是要付出代价的。终于学会煮Maggie面,nene又买一个电饭锅要我学煮饭!当年,就是用电饭锅煲熟一锅米, 再开2个罐头(有烧热的yo~),再清炒一盘小白菜,就敢大大声喊housemates:吃饭啰~! 我还记得有Yeo's 的咖哩鸡 和红黄色罐的‘吐绫鱼’ - 真是羞家!
20岁,提了一个29Kg 的行李就在Michigan报读了Civil Engineering。因为听Seniors说这是最容易Pass的Major, 多seniors读,就多Notes和Pass year papers 了。果然 - 这是事实。
B.Sc 拿到手了,可是工作没找上门, 又不甘心这么快回老家,心想:还没美国走透透呢! 就 try-my-luck 地去讨Grad-school 的funding。教授当时对我说:亚洲女生念Civil Engineering都不太有发挥,master-degree 更是没啥出路,为何不扩大自己能发展的空间,转攻Mechanical/Manufacturing? - 想想,也算一言点醒梦中人。上帝总是善待我,轻易地,fundings offer letter 和 ME school 的acceptance letter 都收到了。
M.Sc 也到手了。我竟然也当过了助教。(我从来不把教师当志愿职业,小学已对自己说:当老师的唯一理由就是要把哪个讨厌的老师的仇报在他孩子上)
- 第1 份工让我了解地盘工的情形。
- 第2 份工让我了解人间险恶的现实。
- 第3 份工让我了解 - 我是有选择权的。
很快地,我有了人生的志愿:我要做一个 -成功的家庭主妇- (待续)
我到此刻都还不确定什么样的工作适合我, 可我也想不到什么行业会让我有“为生活为地位为理想而奋斗”的冲劲。那-胸怀大志-的小宇宙好像都没在我身上产生。
17岁,我坚决不报考SPM。不屑轻易得来的A 。
高中毕业后,心疼nene送我的Petrof钢琴才弹了没两年,所以我就去了Sedaya College, 打算报读音乐教育系。(当时Yamaha 还没设立专属学院,Sedaya是唯一提供音乐双联课程的学院)当然,那天过后我就没踏入Sedaya的门了。原因有2个:念音乐的学费是Engineering Major的4 倍!还要Audition 过关!钱和面子我都过不了关也~有自知之明也算是优点吧。
最保险的,就是和大伙去报读Engineering, 还能借Notes呢~
从此 人生就和梦想背道而驰了-
19岁,为了体验将要出国留学的滋味, 家人同意让我搬出去,在college附近租了房子, 就学者“独立”的自由。 自由,是要付出代价的。终于学会煮Maggie面,nene又买一个电饭锅要我学煮饭!当年,就是用电饭锅煲熟一锅米, 再开2个罐头(有烧热的yo~),再清炒一盘小白菜,就敢大大声喊housemates:吃饭啰~! 我还记得有Yeo's 的咖哩鸡 和红黄色罐的‘吐绫鱼’ - 真是羞家!
20岁,提了一个29Kg 的行李就在Michigan报读了Civil Engineering。因为听Seniors说这是最容易Pass的Major, 多seniors读,就多Notes和Pass year papers 了。果然 - 这是事实。
B.Sc 拿到手了,可是工作没找上门, 又不甘心这么快回老家,心想:还没美国走透透呢! 就 try-my-luck 地去讨Grad-school 的funding。教授当时对我说:亚洲女生念Civil Engineering都不太有发挥,master-degree 更是没啥出路,为何不扩大自己能发展的空间,转攻Mechanical/Manufacturing? - 想想,也算一言点醒梦中人。上帝总是善待我,轻易地,fundings offer letter 和 ME school 的acceptance letter 都收到了。
M.Sc 也到手了。我竟然也当过了助教。(我从来不把教师当志愿职业,小学已对自己说:当老师的唯一理由就是要把哪个讨厌的老师的仇报在他孩子上)
- 第1 份工让我了解地盘工的情形。
- 第2 份工让我了解人间险恶的现实。
- 第3 份工让我了解 - 我是有选择权的。
很快地,我有了人生的志愿:我要做一个 -成功的家庭主妇- (待续)
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
人的价值观与审美观是很值得探讨的 -
我说 -
还在天天想着赚多少才能买更大房子或地的人都不算有钱人。有钱人才不必想怎么去赚呢~ 会用人去替他钱滚钱的才厉害。上市公司也没一个真正的老板。到最后那口气,手一直,脚一伸,看看谁的墓园最大 风水最好 讣告的名单占版位最多的,我想那人该非富则贵了。
还有,不管你开什么名车,你总得塞在车龙里,你我他除了在听不一样的电台还有什么贵贱之分吗?司机?破产的艺人出入都有司机载送呢~ na na na 。。。你有私人飞机我就说你有钱人了!私人直升机也算!总之还在塞车的都是公路使用者。Same 。
名表?算了吧,不说这个了,我对名表完全没兴趣。 我只要看到那在抽烟的手 - 戴什么名表也只是虚有其表,因为“压力”总是他抽烟的理由。有压力的有钱人,Hmmm.... 还不是在为挣钱而烦脑,有多高气派呢? 不是为压力而抽?? 有型??? 屁!看见那含烟的嘴唇,还“鞋瞅”地抽蓄着,wa-lau~ 好想用我不屑戴名表的手,去挖粒鼻屎, 再轻轻地- 瞄准- 一弹! 有钱人就不挖鼻屎吗? 突然好想采访Donald Trump!
OKay~ 包包也甭提了。还要乘车子去买包包的。。。 我还是只能当她为另一个公路使用者。
- 这也是我对狗的定义。
我说 -
还在天天想着赚多少才能买更大房子或地的人都不算有钱人。有钱人才不必想怎么去赚呢~ 会用人去替他钱滚钱的才厉害。上市公司也没一个真正的老板。到最后那口气,手一直,脚一伸,看看谁的墓园最大 风水最好 讣告的名单占版位最多的,我想那人该非富则贵了。
还有,不管你开什么名车,你总得塞在车龙里,你我他除了在听不一样的电台还有什么贵贱之分吗?司机?破产的艺人出入都有司机载送呢~ na na na 。。。你有私人飞机我就说你有钱人了!私人直升机也算!总之还在塞车的都是公路使用者。Same 。
名表?算了吧,不说这个了,我对名表完全没兴趣。 我只要看到那在抽烟的手 - 戴什么名表也只是虚有其表,因为“压力”总是他抽烟的理由。有压力的有钱人,Hmmm.... 还不是在为挣钱而烦脑,有多高气派呢? 不是为压力而抽?? 有型??? 屁!看见那含烟的嘴唇,还“鞋瞅”地抽蓄着,wa-lau~ 好想用我不屑戴名表的手,去挖粒鼻屎, 再轻轻地- 瞄准- 一弹! 有钱人就不挖鼻屎吗? 突然好想采访Donald Trump!
OKay~ 包包也甭提了。还要乘车子去买包包的。。。 我还是只能当她为另一个公路使用者。
- 这也是我对狗的定义。
听见A 对B说:“因为你都很空闲,所以我要让你来完成这份额外的差使。”
你有听过丈夫对妻子说:因为你都很快地把奶喂完、很快地把尿片包好,所以我要让你再生几个baby ??
你有听过妻子对丈夫说:因为你都很快地完事,所以我要让你上多几回 ???
你有听过老板对下属说:因为你都很快地把薪水花光,所以我要发你多几倍薪水 ???
简直是开玩笑!狗屁不通! 可是这方块迷宫里就是挤满这类眼睛爆满血丝青筋的人。一个不小心还会踩着狗尾巴再被反咬呢~!
你有听过丈夫对妻子说:因为你都很快地把奶喂完、很快地把尿片包好,所以我要让你再生几个baby ??
你有听过妻子对丈夫说:因为你都很快地完事,所以我要让你上多几回 ???
你有听过老板对下属说:因为你都很快地把薪水花光,所以我要发你多几倍薪水 ???
简直是开玩笑!狗屁不通! 可是这方块迷宫里就是挤满这类眼睛爆满血丝青筋的人。一个不小心还会踩着狗尾巴再被反咬呢~!
Monday, March 22, 2010
I am HoneyBee
As Sweet as you know me~
I bring sweetness to people who likes me
I bring happiness to people who loves me
I work hard
I work hard every day to be a Happy Bee
And I sting too
I sting when people attack me
I sting to protect myself
I sting to survive
I sting because I am a HoneyBee
As Sweet as you know me~
I bring sweetness to people who likes me
I bring happiness to people who loves me
I work hard
I work hard every day to be a Happy Bee
And I sting too
I sting when people attack me
I sting to protect myself
I sting to survive
I sting because I am a HoneyBee
HoneyBee's Home-Sweet-Home Lamb-chop©
A. Ingredients:
1. Lamb-shoulders
2. Onions; sliced

B. Seasoning:
1. Lee-Kum-Kee 鼓油鸡汁
2. Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce
3. 1 tsp Mint Sauce
4. Coarse Black Pepper powder
5. 1 tsp Corn-starch

C. Method:
1. Marinate lamb-shoulders with all the seasonings; Do not add salt.
2. Add-in sliced onions and keep marinated lamb in refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.
3. Heat pan with scoop of butter; pan-fry lamb-chop.
4. Remove lamb-chop from pan; sauté onions and bell-peppers. Add the remaining sauce to pan; stir until sauce thickening.
5. Served with fresh-salads and mint-sauce.
1. Lamb-shoulders
2. Onions; sliced
B. Seasoning:
1. Lee-Kum-Kee 鼓油鸡汁
2. Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce
3. 1 tsp Mint Sauce
4. Coarse Black Pepper powder
5. 1 tsp Corn-starch
C. Method:
1. Marinate lamb-shoulders with all the seasonings; Do not add salt.
2. Add-in sliced onions and keep marinated lamb in refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.
3. Heat pan with scoop of butter; pan-fry lamb-chop.
4. Remove lamb-chop from pan; sauté onions and bell-peppers. Add the remaining sauce to pan; stir until sauce thickening.
5. Served with fresh-salads and mint-sauce.
HoneyBee's Tuna Spread
A. Ingredients:
1. 1 can of tuna flakes in water
2. Assorted crab sticks (8X)
3. 1 fresh lime; make to juice
4. Shallot; diced
5. Raisins (black)
B. Seasoning:
1. Coarse Black Pepper powder 少许
2. Mayonnaise
C. Method:
1. Drain tuna flakes from can; seasoned with Lime juice
2. Slice & chop crab-sticks (切丝)
3. Mix Tuna, crab-sticks, shallots and mayonnaise.
4. Season with black pepper powder.
5. Keep in refrigerator. Add some raisins when read to be served.
6. Served with toasts or butter-cookies.
1. 1 can of tuna flakes in water
2. Assorted crab sticks (8X)
3. 1 fresh lime; make to juice
4. Shallot; diced
5. Raisins (black)
B. Seasoning:
1. Coarse Black Pepper powder 少许
2. Mayonnaise
C. Method:
1. Drain tuna flakes from can; seasoned with Lime juice
2. Slice & chop crab-sticks (切丝)
3. Mix Tuna, crab-sticks, shallots and mayonnaise.
4. Season with black pepper powder.
5. Keep in refrigerator. Add some raisins when read to be served.
6. Served with toasts or butter-cookies.
HoneyBee's Potato Sandwich Spread
. Ingredients:
1. Potatoes (3x); peeled and cut into cubes
2. Eggs (3X)
3. Onions; diced
4. Carrot; shredded
5. Cucumber; sliced and seasoned with salt
B. Seasoning:
1. Salt 少许
2. White Pepper powder 少许
3. Mayonnaise
C. Method:
1. Bring potatoes and eggs to boil
2. Once cooked, mash potatoes and cooked-egg-yolks separately, season with salt and pepper and set aside.
3. Shred egg-whites and set aside.
4. Mix all the ingredients (A) in a salad bowl with mayonnaise.
5. Keep in refrigerator.
6. Served with toasts or butter-cookies.
1. Potatoes (3x); peeled and cut into cubes
2. Eggs (3X)
3. Onions; diced
4. Carrot; shredded
5. Cucumber; sliced and seasoned with salt
B. Seasoning:
1. Salt 少许
2. White Pepper powder 少许
3. Mayonnaise
C. Method:
1. Bring potatoes and eggs to boil
2. Once cooked, mash potatoes and cooked-egg-yolks separately, season with salt and pepper and set aside.
3. Shred egg-whites and set aside.
4. Mix all the ingredients (A) in a salad bowl with mayonnaise.
5. Keep in refrigerator.
6. Served with toasts or butter-cookies.
HoneyBee's Fried Wonton
A. Ingredients:
1. Minced Pork (猪肉碎); add shrimps (虾仁) per preference
2. Water Chestnut; chopped (马蹄- 切碎)
3. Cilantro Leaves (芫茜) or Green Onions; chopped
4. Carrot; shredded
5. Egg (1x)
B. Seasoning:
1. Salt 少许
2. White Pepper powder 少许
3. Soy Sauce 少许
4. Sesame Oil 少许
C. Method:
1. Marinate minced-pork with Seasonings (~15 to 30 minutes) ;
2. Meanwhile, prepare water-chestnuts, carrot and cilantro.
3. Mix-in all the ingredients with 1 egg.
4. With dry-hands, wrap the wonton in diagonal – and make the side with wrinkles; ensure the wonton is “closed-up” with some water or egg-white.
5. Set-aside, heat the oil – use wooden chopstick to check if oil with bubbles around the chopstick.
6. Bring oil to medium-heat; Fry the wontons until Golden colored
7. Drained the fried wontons on napkins to remove oils.
8. Garnish the dish with some cilantro. Ready to be served with sweet & sour sauce.
1. Minced Pork (猪肉碎); add shrimps (虾仁) per preference
2. Water Chestnut; chopped (马蹄- 切碎)
3. Cilantro Leaves (芫茜) or Green Onions; chopped
4. Carrot; shredded
5. Egg (1x)
B. Seasoning:
1. Salt 少许
2. White Pepper powder 少许
3. Soy Sauce 少许
4. Sesame Oil 少许
C. Method:
1. Marinate minced-pork with Seasonings (~15 to 30 minutes) ;
2. Meanwhile, prepare water-chestnuts, carrot and cilantro.
3. Mix-in all the ingredients with 1 egg.
4. With dry-hands, wrap the wonton in diagonal – and make the side with wrinkles; ensure the wonton is “closed-up” with some water or egg-white.
5. Set-aside, heat the oil – use wooden chopstick to check if oil with bubbles around the chopstick.
6. Bring oil to medium-heat; Fry the wontons until Golden colored
7. Drained the fried wontons on napkins to remove oils.
8. Garnish the dish with some cilantro. Ready to be served with sweet & sour sauce.
Friday, March 19, 2010
@.@ 马路天使
自2004年北上,我每一天都有成群的马路天使在我身边不停地穿插而过, 我也每一次在漫骂声中完成我的公路旅程。前天、昨天、今天、明天都无例外。第一年,我还会很懊恼:我该怎么熬下去?我为何会被trapped在这些马路天使当中??当然,我开始发挥我追根究底的精神,念理科系的嘛,总得大胆的假设,然后再细心的求证;在我入微的观察下,分析的结论是令我满意的:
因为这里大部分的马路天使的前身都是摩托车奇人,总是奔驰在lane与lane之间的分界白线上,所以在驾驭四轮汽车时也使用同样的奔驰技巧 - 行在lane与lane之间。 :/
还有,若你有骑摩托车的经验,该知道何时保持行驶在马路左内侧,直到要拐弯处或是要改换路线,那才把摩托车驶出右侧,这是候。。。 通常就是骑士的stunt-showtime。至到有一天,摩托车奇人终于改乘四轮汽车了~ 天啊!简直是摩托奇招上身。。。往右方的就从左道闪出来,往左方去的就霎时从右道直接穿插3条lane 再来个车神急转弯。 还有,往前方直去的,就左右不分地慢驶在lane与lane之间的白线上,视线完全集中在他前方, 视后方车子为不见。你说 -我还能坚持做个高情操的普通马路使用者吗??
因为这里大部分的马路天使的前身都是摩托车奇人,总是奔驰在lane与lane之间的分界白线上,所以在驾驭四轮汽车时也使用同样的奔驰技巧 - 行在lane与lane之间。 :/
还有,若你有骑摩托车的经验,该知道何时保持行驶在马路左内侧,直到要拐弯处或是要改换路线,那才把摩托车驶出右侧,这是候。。。 通常就是骑士的stunt-showtime。至到有一天,摩托车奇人终于改乘四轮汽车了~ 天啊!简直是摩托奇招上身。。。往右方的就从左道闪出来,往左方去的就霎时从右道直接穿插3条lane 再来个车神急转弯。 还有,往前方直去的,就左右不分地慢驶在lane与lane之间的白线上,视线完全集中在他前方, 视后方车子为不见。你说 -我还能坚持做个高情操的普通马路使用者吗??
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
You know, Every Morning~
This morning, while I was driving to work, I heard this from MyFM, the song that made my day – “Morning” by Janice 卫兰.
Not only I love to share my thoughts n feelings with my friends, I also love to share my favorite songs and articles too. Life is not just about responsibilities - WORK WORK WORK and studies studies studies and money money money and to please others. There are so many wonderful things that we should experience and appreciate before we stop breathing. I have a motto to keep myself think positively in office: - “Never Explain Yourself to Anyone Because The Person Who Likes You Doesn’t Need it and The Person Who Dislikes You Won’ t Believe it”. I cannot stand someone who cannot be 公私分明 in the work place. To me, my job is my job, if that’s what I need to work it out, I should work it out regardless. I am not paid to HELP OUT on tasks that I’m not hired for. Most of the time, I’m hearing those 公私不分的人 complaining about their career/boss, because their boss doesn’t know how to appreciate their “extra efforts” on helping out others. OMG! If you are also one of the公私不分的人, then please, do it with smiley face since you never learn how to say “NO”. Same goes to relationship. We all want to be with someone that bring happiness and laughter to us. Everything will be so Perfect in the eyes of the beholders.
Again, this is not my first time to share my thoughts on Happy Life but I still want to put them here as a self-reflection:
So what are the elements that make up my Happy Life?
My LIFE is on my hand. To make it a fullest one, five fingers, I have friendship, hobbies, health, career, and family. All equally important. If I met someone who can be my best friend, willing to listen to me and understand me; and it would be great if we could share the same interests same hobbies for leisure; and this person would care about my health and able to take good care of me when I’m sick; furthermore, if he has the vision and wisdom to help me on my career, able to share the success/pain/stress/failure of my career; and eventually this person is committed to be my another-half, and we will tie the knot and form our own family – then, this will be my fullest Happy Life. Of course, thing doesn’t come in perfect. If missing anyone of these elements, I still have the other four; that’s not too bad. Maybe, I have a best friend that could share tears n laughter, holding the same interests n career dreams, BUT, we may not compatible to be a couple. Therefore we cannot be “family”. HEY~ is this the end of the world? The answer is definitely a “NO”. Now the funniest part is: when we met someone we are soooo in-love with, but this person always disappointed us and only brings tears n sadness to the relationship; never commit to marriage and not even willing to spend quality time together; one might see this as the END of his/her life. How can one’s life be so fragile? Isn’t it our responsibility to search for our own happiness? Why are we putting bet on someone else and hoping him to make miracles - a happy life given by others or a happy life experienced by our own contentment?
Luvly birds singing out there; colorful trees on the street
Delicious dessert in the fridge; wonderful songs on youtube
Touching movies showing in the theater; charming persons surrounding us
And Nowadays, cheap n affordable AirAsia trips; addictive games on facebook….
Chocolates, chips, pop-corns, lollipops, beers, all-you-can-eat buffet~ Woooooooo… I’m starving now :P
I am now waiting in my office cubicle ... for my buddy to come join me for a quick lunch. I am going to enjoy ~ ~ ~ YOU?
When I hear the birds start singing, I wanna see you. Hoo, hoo, do do do do do...
When I see the leaves start falling, I wanna see you
The only thing I'll do, Don't you know is to rush and run to you
When I hear the clock start ticking, I start to miss you
Ooh.. The only thing I'll do Is gonna dream of you
Wanna stay by by by your side, You are my everything.
You are my only link to the angel's wings.
Talk about love love and I can't stop thinking of you
Such a crazy thing, Like snow fallin' in spring
(You know every morning)
When I hear the birds start singing, I wanna see you.
Ooh.. The only thing I'll do is to rush and run to you
When I hear the clock start ticking, I start to miss you
Ooh.. The only thing I'll do is gonna dream of you
I found my angel in my life, I cannot see why, I cannot see why
We can't be in love till we die
Wanna stay by by by your side, You are my everything.
You are my only link to the angel's wings.
Talk about love love and I can't stop thinking of you
Such a crazy thing, Like snow fallin' in spring
One day we'll spread our wings. You and me da, you and me da...
Spread our wings
Wannabe wannabe wanna, I wanna be,be your lover
I'll run to you...ooh...
This morning, while I was driving to work, I heard this from MyFM, the song that made my day – “Morning” by Janice 卫兰.
Not only I love to share my thoughts n feelings with my friends, I also love to share my favorite songs and articles too. Life is not just about responsibilities - WORK WORK WORK and studies studies studies and money money money and to please others. There are so many wonderful things that we should experience and appreciate before we stop breathing. I have a motto to keep myself think positively in office: - “Never Explain Yourself to Anyone Because The Person Who Likes You Doesn’t Need it and The Person Who Dislikes You Won’ t Believe it”. I cannot stand someone who cannot be 公私分明 in the work place. To me, my job is my job, if that’s what I need to work it out, I should work it out regardless. I am not paid to HELP OUT on tasks that I’m not hired for. Most of the time, I’m hearing those 公私不分的人 complaining about their career/boss, because their boss doesn’t know how to appreciate their “extra efforts” on helping out others. OMG! If you are also one of the公私不分的人, then please, do it with smiley face since you never learn how to say “NO”. Same goes to relationship. We all want to be with someone that bring happiness and laughter to us. Everything will be so Perfect in the eyes of the beholders.
Again, this is not my first time to share my thoughts on Happy Life but I still want to put them here as a self-reflection:
So what are the elements that make up my Happy Life?
My LIFE is on my hand. To make it a fullest one, five fingers, I have friendship, hobbies, health, career, and family. All equally important. If I met someone who can be my best friend, willing to listen to me and understand me; and it would be great if we could share the same interests same hobbies for leisure; and this person would care about my health and able to take good care of me when I’m sick; furthermore, if he has the vision and wisdom to help me on my career, able to share the success/pain/stress/failure of my career; and eventually this person is committed to be my another-half, and we will tie the knot and form our own family – then, this will be my fullest Happy Life. Of course, thing doesn’t come in perfect. If missing anyone of these elements, I still have the other four; that’s not too bad. Maybe, I have a best friend that could share tears n laughter, holding the same interests n career dreams, BUT, we may not compatible to be a couple. Therefore we cannot be “family”. HEY~ is this the end of the world? The answer is definitely a “NO”. Now the funniest part is: when we met someone we are soooo in-love with, but this person always disappointed us and only brings tears n sadness to the relationship; never commit to marriage and not even willing to spend quality time together; one might see this as the END of his/her life. How can one’s life be so fragile? Isn’t it our responsibility to search for our own happiness? Why are we putting bet on someone else and hoping him to make miracles - a happy life given by others or a happy life experienced by our own contentment?
Luvly birds singing out there; colorful trees on the street
Delicious dessert in the fridge; wonderful songs on youtube
Touching movies showing in the theater; charming persons surrounding us
And Nowadays, cheap n affordable AirAsia trips; addictive games on facebook….
Chocolates, chips, pop-corns, lollipops, beers, all-you-can-eat buffet~ Woooooooo… I’m starving now :P
I am now waiting in my office cubicle ... for my buddy to come join me for a quick lunch. I am going to enjoy ~ ~ ~ YOU?
When I hear the birds start singing, I wanna see you. Hoo, hoo, do do do do do...
When I see the leaves start falling, I wanna see you
The only thing I'll do, Don't you know is to rush and run to you
When I hear the clock start ticking, I start to miss you
Ooh.. The only thing I'll do Is gonna dream of you
Wanna stay by by by your side, You are my everything.
You are my only link to the angel's wings.
Talk about love love and I can't stop thinking of you
Such a crazy thing, Like snow fallin' in spring
(You know every morning)
When I hear the birds start singing, I wanna see you.
Ooh.. The only thing I'll do is to rush and run to you
When I hear the clock start ticking, I start to miss you
Ooh.. The only thing I'll do is gonna dream of you
I found my angel in my life, I cannot see why, I cannot see why
We can't be in love till we die
Wanna stay by by by your side, You are my everything.
You are my only link to the angel's wings.
Talk about love love and I can't stop thinking of you
Such a crazy thing, Like snow fallin' in spring
One day we'll spread our wings. You and me da, you and me da...
Spread our wings
Wannabe wannabe wanna, I wanna be,be your lover
I'll run to you...ooh...
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
放纵自己的Monday's Nite~
虽然从9点唱到凌晨2点半是件普通的消遣,可我还是头一遭 - 让它发生在星期一。
今天以后。。。 我还是我。
虽然从9点唱到凌晨2点半是件普通的消遣,可我还是头一遭 - 让它发生在星期一。
今天以后。。。 我还是我。
Monday, March 15, 2010
。午夜直播 。
最近常听一些新朋友说,对我实在没什么好感 - 纯粹隔墙有耳,人云亦云,隔空观察,豪无实据。 可怕是我听了也没觉得这是个问题。总觉得要在这地方找个了解我的人真的是可遇不可求。迟来的知音总是难能可贵。偶尔会有人对我坦诚他的改观 。。。 我想我还是有办法以真诚去感动身边的人吧。 我怎么会是他们口中那种犀利眼的KL妹呢?! 当然,欣慰的还是有其他人替我平反。 Well~ 对那些与我无关痛痒的人,我可不屑,管他怎么误解,他就是那么的shallow,肤浅。当我认定对方是我值得深交的朋友,我是存有偏见的,交上了,就是一辈子在心上的朋友。男友说:我就是爱你是个有意气的人; 为朋友,总是-拍胸口-那种。
我总觉得,这或许是最后一次的放肆吧~ 能选择的话,我还是希望 - 自私。
... ...
因为我都不做没把握的事儿,所以我把不服输的性格给藏住了。对自己对旁人对路人都要求高高, 搞得自己总是把“不屑”挂在嘴脸上。别人该不会这么想我吧:自己糟得很还要挑剔别人!拜托,你可以不认同我的想法于举止,那也不代表你不肤浅也!看人别看的那么表面,好吗? 塔逻牌高人可算出了我非泛泛之辈-女强人你以为容易当吗?
-懂得自己爱的要的梦的求的欠的 和 有所不足的。
陈洁丽 - 爱的歌
收音机播出爱的歌 是这歌所得所失太多
任记忆消逝只剩空虚躯壳 无奈记当天你剩我
枕边的眼角渐起麽 梦已醒方知不可再拖
泪眼怎补救冷漠孤单感觉 谁料你当初爱上我
没法可知什麽错 皆因首首爱歌你同唱和
旧唱片旧仍在播 叹这歌没人和
我总觉得,这或许是最后一次的放肆吧~ 能选择的话,我还是希望 - 自私。
... ...
因为我都不做没把握的事儿,所以我把不服输的性格给藏住了。对自己对旁人对路人都要求高高, 搞得自己总是把“不屑”挂在嘴脸上。别人该不会这么想我吧:自己糟得很还要挑剔别人!拜托,你可以不认同我的想法于举止,那也不代表你不肤浅也!看人别看的那么表面,好吗? 塔逻牌高人可算出了我非泛泛之辈-女强人你以为容易当吗?
-懂得自己爱的要的梦的求的欠的 和 有所不足的。
陈洁丽 - 爱的歌
收音机播出爱的歌 是这歌所得所失太多
任记忆消逝只剩空虚躯壳 无奈记当天你剩我
枕边的眼角渐起麽 梦已醒方知不可再拖
泪眼怎补救冷漠孤单感觉 谁料你当初爱上我
没法可知什麽错 皆因首首爱歌你同唱和
旧唱片旧仍在播 叹这歌没人和
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Too much!
so unreal
but a good reflection - 人类是自私的 - human beings are selfish. me too.
It’s late at night and I can’t sleep
Missing you just runs too deep
Oh I can’t breathe thinking of your smile
Every kiss I can’t forget
This aching heart ain’t broken yet
Oh God I wish I could make you see
Cause I know this flame isn’t dying
So nothing can stop me from trying
Baby you know that
Maybe it’s time for miracles
Cos I ain’t giving up on love
You know that
Maybe it’s time for miracles
Cos I ain’t giving up on love
No I ain’t giving up on us
I just want to be with you
Cos living is so hard to do
When all I know is trapped inside your eyes
The future I cannot forget
This aching heart ain’t broken yet
Oh God I wish I could make you see
Cos I know this flame isn’t dying
So nothing can stop me from trying
Baby you know that
Maybe it’s time for miracles
Cos I ain’t giving up on love
You know that
Maybe it’s time for miracles
Cos I ain’t giving up on love
No I ain’t giving up on us
Baby can you feel it (can you)
You know I can hear it (hear it in my soul)
So can you feel it feel it
You know it’s time
Baby you know that
Maybe it’s time for miracles
Cos I ain’t giving up on love
You know that
Maybe it’s time for miracles
Cos I ain’t giving up on love
You know
Maybe it’s time for miracles
Cos I ain’t giving up on love
No I ain’t giving up on us
I ain’t giving up no
Oh I ain’t giving up on us
so unreal
but a good reflection - 人类是自私的 - human beings are selfish. me too.
It’s late at night and I can’t sleep
Missing you just runs too deep
Oh I can’t breathe thinking of your smile
Every kiss I can’t forget
This aching heart ain’t broken yet
Oh God I wish I could make you see
Cause I know this flame isn’t dying
So nothing can stop me from trying
Baby you know that
Maybe it’s time for miracles
Cos I ain’t giving up on love
You know that
Maybe it’s time for miracles
Cos I ain’t giving up on love
No I ain’t giving up on us
I just want to be with you
Cos living is so hard to do
When all I know is trapped inside your eyes
The future I cannot forget
This aching heart ain’t broken yet
Oh God I wish I could make you see
Cos I know this flame isn’t dying
So nothing can stop me from trying
Baby you know that
Maybe it’s time for miracles
Cos I ain’t giving up on love
You know that
Maybe it’s time for miracles
Cos I ain’t giving up on love
No I ain’t giving up on us
Baby can you feel it (can you)
You know I can hear it (hear it in my soul)
So can you feel it feel it
You know it’s time
Baby you know that
Maybe it’s time for miracles
Cos I ain’t giving up on love
You know that
Maybe it’s time for miracles
Cos I ain’t giving up on love
You know
Maybe it’s time for miracles
Cos I ain’t giving up on love
No I ain’t giving up on us
I ain’t giving up no
Oh I ain’t giving up on us
想- 像上了瘾的毒药 ... 让人受尽委屈/找不到... ...
突然-果真天有不测之风云。 下起雨了!刚刚不还是烈日当头吗?
这些年来不停地 反反复复地 思前想后地 总在计算着-计算着失去了多少 计算着得到了多少 打算着还能够有多好 就这样不停地 像在复习着我的心算法 此刻我真的不知道我几时能弃这算盘而去 我可没那么高尚的情操 想想 我应该还有自私的理由吧 要包容他人的心能有多宽呢?
- 是选择-
突然-果真天有不测之风云。 下起雨了!刚刚不还是烈日当头吗?
这些年来不停地 反反复复地 思前想后地 总在计算着-计算着失去了多少 计算着得到了多少 打算着还能够有多好 就这样不停地 像在复习着我的心算法 此刻我真的不知道我几时能弃这算盘而去 我可没那么高尚的情操 想想 我应该还有自私的理由吧 要包容他人的心能有多宽呢?
- 是选择-
。第19天 。一个人
Feeling so exhausted. It's time for me to slow down my activities and get back to my normal bed time. It's such a wonderful weather today. Sunny but not too hot. I can hear the birds singing. I've been home alone for 19 days and never gotto bed before 2am. It's scary to see my aging signs in the morning while i was patching up with those whitening & anti-aging products. So-What's my plan for 2010? too late? No no no.... I wanna have another round of diet-plan and slimming programs. I can't wait anymore to see myself fit into a tube-top with a pair of sexy leggings. Now "Jeggings" is the fashion. How i wish i have a pair of it in my closet.
I'm going for a Barbeque dinner tonite. :) I hope it's the last grilling for this year as i don't wanna fail my Herbalife-program :P
I just bought lamb-shoulders, beef top, chicken wings, pork & taiwanese sausages, sliced pork meat, some bell-peppers, mushrooms, Japanese potatoes, and a big bag of onions. I'm going to make THEM my famous black-pepper lambchop, tangerine pork chop, tarriyaki chicken-wings, rendang beef kebab, assorted sausages-stick, and a garlic-mushroom! Sound great isn't it??! hahahahaha.... i think i enjoy preparing the food more than stuffing them inside my stomach.
Isn't it great to have friends spending weekend nite and gossip about the most ugly manager in office? *GOSH* I'm running out of jokes to entertain the group. I need to just focus on the Mahjong table then.
Friend -
If you have no one to spend Saturday nite with you
If you have no one care to ask you out on Saturday nite
If you have no one you could chat on Saturday nite
If you have no ring no sms no missed-call during the weekend
i cannot continue imagine this... this is so horrible to be home alone on a lovely sunny happy saturday.
I'm going for a Barbeque dinner tonite. :) I hope it's the last grilling for this year as i don't wanna fail my Herbalife-program :P
I just bought lamb-shoulders, beef top, chicken wings, pork & taiwanese sausages, sliced pork meat, some bell-peppers, mushrooms, Japanese potatoes, and a big bag of onions. I'm going to make THEM my famous black-pepper lambchop, tangerine pork chop, tarriyaki chicken-wings, rendang beef kebab, assorted sausages-stick, and a garlic-mushroom! Sound great isn't it??! hahahahaha.... i think i enjoy preparing the food more than stuffing them inside my stomach.
Isn't it great to have friends spending weekend nite and gossip about the most ugly manager in office? *GOSH* I'm running out of jokes to entertain the group. I need to just focus on the Mahjong table then.
Friend -
If you have no one to spend Saturday nite with you
If you have no one care to ask you out on Saturday nite
If you have no one you could chat on Saturday nite
If you have no ring no sms no missed-call during the weekend
i cannot continue imagine this... this is so horrible to be home alone on a lovely sunny happy saturday.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Tomorrow is another day
I love Creme-Brulee - the soft but rich custard topped with the burnt, hard caramel.
Taste so good! My favourite French dessert but I hardly find a good recipe here in Malaysia. 外刚内柔,冷热皆宜,那种矛盾的口感, 吃了会让我觉得有情有义。(扯太远了吧~!)
真怀念在San Francisco Downtown 的那杯Cream-Brulee. 让我想起了MiMi和Odie. 我们的相识也太超乎我当时所能想像的!果真应验了“有缘千里能相会”的说法. 一切缘起于狗狗的网站,还要是KL 的网站,让两个KL 妹在美国加州得以互相寒暄一番。 到最后也就干脆从LA寻友寻到SanFrans了。谁说网上交友没个真诚?我和MiMi就Keep in touch到现在,8年了吧~ 还有HK 的Kenix, 钢琴家Furee 和CheungChing. 难得。 难得。
有时,我觉得在虚拟的网络里联系上的感情比真实的还要来得感动。怕只怕.... 来得快,去得也快。
他还要问:你的眼睛 为什么出汗
Tomorrow is another day
I love Creme-Brulee - the soft but rich custard topped with the burnt, hard caramel.
Taste so good! My favourite French dessert but I hardly find a good recipe here in Malaysia. 外刚内柔,冷热皆宜,那种矛盾的口感, 吃了会让我觉得有情有义。(扯太远了吧~!)
真怀念在San Francisco Downtown 的那杯Cream-Brulee. 让我想起了MiMi和Odie. 我们的相识也太超乎我当时所能想像的!果真应验了“有缘千里能相会”的说法. 一切缘起于狗狗的网站,还要是KL 的网站,让两个KL 妹在美国加州得以互相寒暄一番。 到最后也就干脆从LA寻友寻到SanFrans了。谁说网上交友没个真诚?我和MiMi就Keep in touch到现在,8年了吧~ 还有HK 的Kenix, 钢琴家Furee 和CheungChing. 难得。 难得。
有时,我觉得在虚拟的网络里联系上的感情比真实的还要来得感动。怕只怕.... 来得快,去得也快。
他还要问:你的眼睛 为什么出汗
Thursday, March 11, 2010
我 - 是那种常常能轻易地就感到心动的人。
I can be very emotional. I can also hide my emotion very well in front of others. But most of the time, I rather express my feelings right away. It's very unlikely to meet someone that could understand my thoughts well. When I'm 450km away from hometown, I need to adjust myself to fit into this environment. It's my 6th years away from home and I'm still discovering new "culture-shock" from time to time.
It's not easy to blend myself into this Hokkien society. Again, I'm glad that I still able to meet people that made me 心动。 Maybe I am just someone who easily being touched. Perhaps, I shall say.... 往往都有另我感动的人与事。
I missed those days.
I missed those adventurous moments.
I missed the jokes n the tears n the drinking parties.
I missed the days when I only afford to have Ramen and Ramens. :P
and I missed my silly mistakes...... If I could go back to those days... I don't want to be any smarter.
曾经,音乐一下~ 还没两句歌词我就感动得不得了。
曾经,mailbox 一开~ email的前两行就让我开心个老半天。
也曾经,"Sorry" 已不再重要了。
人生无常 -
Life is short.
I miss BeanBean. I miss Max. I miss my dreams.... Dreams may come true, one day. But Max & BeanBean will not get alive. I miss those 令我心动的...
没那麼简单 就能找到 聊得来的伴
尤其是在 看过了那麼多的背叛
总是不安 只好强悍
没那麼简单 就能去爱 别的全不看
变得实际 也许好也许坏各一半
不爱孤单 一久也习惯
不用担心谁 也不用被谁管
别人说的话 随便听一听 自己作决定
在周末晚上 关上了手机 舒服窝在沙发里
相爱没有那麼容易 每个人有他的脾气
过了爱作梦的年纪 轰轰烈烈不如平静
幸福没有那麼容易 才会特别让人著迷
曾经最掏心 所以最开心 曾经
想念最伤心 但却最动心 的记忆
I can be very emotional. I can also hide my emotion very well in front of others. But most of the time, I rather express my feelings right away. It's very unlikely to meet someone that could understand my thoughts well. When I'm 450km away from hometown, I need to adjust myself to fit into this environment. It's my 6th years away from home and I'm still discovering new "culture-shock" from time to time.
It's not easy to blend myself into this Hokkien society. Again, I'm glad that I still able to meet people that made me 心动。 Maybe I am just someone who easily being touched. Perhaps, I shall say.... 往往都有另我感动的人与事。
I missed those days.
I missed those adventurous moments.
I missed the jokes n the tears n the drinking parties.
I missed the days when I only afford to have Ramen and Ramens. :P
and I missed my silly mistakes...... If I could go back to those days... I don't want to be any smarter.
曾经,音乐一下~ 还没两句歌词我就感动得不得了。
曾经,mailbox 一开~ email的前两行就让我开心个老半天。
也曾经,"Sorry" 已不再重要了。
人生无常 -
Life is short.
I miss BeanBean. I miss Max. I miss my dreams.... Dreams may come true, one day. But Max & BeanBean will not get alive. I miss those 令我心动的...
没那麼简单 就能找到 聊得来的伴
尤其是在 看过了那麼多的背叛
总是不安 只好强悍
没那麼简单 就能去爱 别的全不看
变得实际 也许好也许坏各一半
不爱孤单 一久也习惯
不用担心谁 也不用被谁管
别人说的话 随便听一听 自己作决定
在周末晚上 关上了手机 舒服窝在沙发里
相爱没有那麼容易 每个人有他的脾气
过了爱作梦的年纪 轰轰烈烈不如平静
幸福没有那麼容易 才会特别让人著迷
曾经最掏心 所以最开心 曾经
想念最伤心 但却最动心 的记忆
<< 其实 - 一个人的生活也不算太坏 >>
Since young, I'm scared to be alone, scared of darkness, scared of silence, scared to be ignored.
I guess... nobody wants to be unseen, unheard.
But now, I learn how to act strong.
I don't like the feeling to be left home alone with worries. So I act strong under this roof. I "adjust" my feelings to enjoy my freedom being alone. I think... I am doing very well :)
很老土地说一句:天无不散之筵席。人来人往 - 太多过客了~
I'm trying to do self-reflection tonite - How do I define frienship? What are friends for? Who am I in front of others?
I believe that 朋友是要来利用的。Friend is someone you can rely on. For it be troubles or celebration, I wish I am on your list to be called up. 那~就好好地用吧!I will get very upset if my friends didn't share me his/her problems.
情人 - 需要很多的了解与包容。
朋友 -只要真诚聆听与接受;合不合、久不久、多不多 。。。 不重要了。
Ex-bf?? No way. If I can still be friend with my ex then why bother to break-up?
When I said "BYE", I mean BYE and never see again.
" 有昨天还是好的 - 但明天是自己的 - 开始懂了 - 快乐是选择"
I thank GOD that he always send angels to me. I truly appreciate I have so many good friends who willing to lend their ears their hands their time to me.
I wish ... I pray to GOD: PLEASE~ I want all my friends to be happy. I wish them to get what they want for life. I hope they have the courage and support for anything everything.! Coz..... they may not have HoneyBee be with them all the time~
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
喔 这一季 总算有些值得回忆
I guess... nobody wants to be unseen, unheard.
But now, I learn how to act strong.
I don't like the feeling to be left home alone with worries. So I act strong under this roof. I "adjust" my feelings to enjoy my freedom being alone. I think... I am doing very well :)
很老土地说一句:天无不散之筵席。人来人往 - 太多过客了~
I'm trying to do self-reflection tonite - How do I define frienship? What are friends for? Who am I in front of others?
I believe that 朋友是要来利用的。Friend is someone you can rely on. For it be troubles or celebration, I wish I am on your list to be called up. 那~就好好地用吧!I will get very upset if my friends didn't share me his/her problems.
情人 - 需要很多的了解与包容。
朋友 -只要真诚聆听与接受;合不合、久不久、多不多 。。。 不重要了。
Ex-bf?? No way. If I can still be friend with my ex then why bother to break-up?
When I said "BYE", I mean BYE and never see again.
" 有昨天还是好的 - 但明天是自己的 - 开始懂了 - 快乐是选择"
I thank GOD that he always send angels to me. I truly appreciate I have so many good friends who willing to lend their ears their hands their time to me.
I wish ... I pray to GOD: PLEASE~ I want all my friends to be happy. I wish them to get what they want for life. I hope they have the courage and support for anything everything.! Coz..... they may not have HoneyBee be with them all the time~
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
喔 这一季 总算有些值得回忆
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
命 。运
命 - 已冥冥中注定 。
运 - 却可改;好与坏 - 掌控在自己的手中。
缘份 is something really "tricky". My several experiences told me that.... things happened with purpose and GOD has arranged i t. 家庭缘、子女缘、夫妻缘、、、甚至是片面之缘仿佛都已被安排好了。。。 But, the outcome is much depends on how we handle the relationships.
I'm glad that I always get to meet 贵人 in my life. When I need help, there's always a special one to rely on. Are they angels sent by GOD?
So... what's next??? Stay here? Or, Leave?
运 - 却可改;好与坏 - 掌控在自己的手中。
缘份 is something really "tricky". My several experiences told me that.... things happened with purpose and GOD has arranged i t. 家庭缘、子女缘、夫妻缘、、、甚至是片面之缘仿佛都已被安排好了。。。 But, the outcome is much depends on how we handle the relationships.
I'm glad that I always get to meet 贵人 in my life. When I need help, there's always a special one to rely on. Are they angels sent by GOD?
So... what's next??? Stay here? Or, Leave?
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