Monday, February 28, 2011

Am I Resilience Enough?

Am I Resilience Enough? Here I googled it.....
This is the definition/explanation of it: Psychological Resilience--

"Resilience" in psychology is the positive capacity of people to cope with stress and adversity. This coping may result in the individual “bouncing back” to a previous state of normal functioning, or using the experience of exposure to adversity to produce a “steeling effect” and function better than expected (much like an inoculation gives one the capacity to cope well with future exposure to disease).[1] Resilience is most commonly understood as a process, and not a trait of an individual.[2]
Resilience is defined as a dynamic process that individuals exhibit positive behavioral adaptation when they encounter significant adversity, trauma,[15] tragedy, threats, or even significant sources of stress[16]. It is different from strengths or developmental assets which are a characteristic of an entire population, regardless of the level of adversity they face.

I am no psychologist, I do not know how to interpret my dreams my actions my mind. But 小木子said, Resilience best describe me. I am glad to hear new description other than "good" and "brave" and "strong".
Today is the 1st time for Ironman went tru the process all by himself. I must recommend you to get this CD - A Whole Brain InnerTalk Program by Dr. Eldon Taylor, you can find this from any Popular Bookstore in town, they are selling it for RM139.90. Amazing CD!! and You have to play it over the nite, at least throughout the Zzzz hours to see the effect. If you don't know which one I'm recommending, go google it yourself.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Friends Are To Remember, Not Recap

It's been months I didn't meet up with one of my gal friends, and today, she sent her warmest sweetest most lovely message to my facebook:
     May the little flowers lying in gloom,
     Rise and bloom, swaying endlessly,
     This way and that way,
     Morn to dusk everyday, Get well soon... to my fren..

To all my lovely Angels, THANK YOU ALL for always there to remember me, and always never stingy to care about me and my feelings, I've said it many many many times that GOD really sayang me and he sent me many Angels to look after me, I pray hard to God to please forgive my sin. I've already learnt the biggest lesson throughout my life. He too.
Last Friday I had a talkative nite @TGIF. Today, I have Angels from Jawi, from Kulim, from Butterworth, and from Bukit Mertajam, to buy me an expensive seafood lunch at BaliHai@GurneyDrive. Throughout my years of staying in Butterworth/Penang,  I was painted this perception that mainland people would not go over to the island 'for nothing' and those living in the island would not survive without GPS in the mainland as they rarely come over. See! True friends are to remember, when you remember him/her, you care, when you care, you will. You may not put it into actions, but you will keep the feelings in mind, and you will keep the friendship in heart. Those who always do RECAP in front of you, trust me, they are devils, they will do their very best detective ways to source rumors from everwhere and recap to you, recap to many others, to spread their gossips. In my Euthopia, let's forgive the devils,

Saturday, February 26, 2011


‎有一种米, 吃了会降低智慧与人性, 还帮助白痴率的增长,由专业低B者为自身研发,看见了,你只需要喂食,不必购买。

CheapSkate in my working place

I google it:

Search Results

  1. miser - a stingy hoarder of money and possessions (often living miserably).

    cheapskate - definition of cheapskate by the Free Online ...

Standards everywhere, differently, and I was taught to do things in STANDARDIZED way, and everytime I wanted to work differently with my different opionions, I was told I am wearing the SAME company hat under the SAME big umbrella. Okay~ now that I'm going to move myself to another department, I was told, I am NOT ALLOWED to bring along the LCD Monitor which paid by the current department because it (supposed) possessed by the department.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm??? So, if the manager who approved the LCD monitor left the department, then I can come back and take it to my new office? Or, perhaps, I can just leave my exisiting laptop in KULIM and get my new boss to BUY me a BRAND NEW laptop in Penang? That sounds great!!! So, Shall I return the notepad I got from the KULIM administrator? What about the stapples-bullets I'm using? Shit! I have to return my calculator? GOSH~ I'm claiming the tolls and broadband services and.... DAMN IT!!! I cannot drive to Penang office to work now... shit. I have so many items I need to return to my manager so I could COME CLEAN to the new department. I never know I'm so SINFUL to have company properties coming along with me to join the new office place.
But it is ALRIGHT! you are not asking my calculator back becoz you think it worth nothing compared to the LCD Monitor... that somehow showed me what's inside your mind.. how narrow it is....and how you value things and ideas.
不是做大事的人,出头天 遥无期.

Friday, February 25, 2011


No matter how strong we could be, there're always times we need people to remind us to cheer us to pull us back on track. When I opened up my inbox, my eyes caught this forwarded mail, my maid sent me this short message:

A wise man once sat in the audience & cracked a joke. All laughed like crazy. After a moment he cracked the same joke again and a little less people laughed this time. He cracked the same joke again & again, when there was no laughter in the crowd, he smiled and said: --
"When u can't laugh on the same joke again & again, then why do u keep crying over the same thing over and over again? -- Forget the past & move on… "

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Glad to see the numbers dropped from peak of 584.4(2/21) down to 298.9(2/24)! It may not be a solution, but as long as it helps, I don't see the reason for not accepting it.
Tonite, my pal shared me this clip: Stand By Me. I'm touched. Hope you like it too~
Life is full of so many unexpected, one needs to learn how to live to its fullest, not foolest.


What comes out of you when you are squeezed is what is inside you – Wayne Dyer (shared by Madah)


What do you see coming out from me? I do see some silly shit out from those idiots trying so hard to squeeze their balls....

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

You Are Not Alone

Look around, you are not alone.
Cry, there's always shoulders to lean on.
Laugh, there's always friends to share jokes.
Shout, sure there's always someone echo you.
Look around, if you found nobody, love yourself, be true to yourself, talk to yourself, listen to your heart, follow him, he knows you well, he loves you, and thanks God, we are who we are.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Another Milestone....

A Day To Remember... Have Faith, Be Brave, With Love....To explore, To treasure, To appreciate, To give and To accept. To reach another milestone, we always just need to take the first step out and let God guides us the journey, we came naked, so we got nothing to lose, regardless.

What have you achieved in your life far? Do you measure achievements by career-power? by social prestige? by financial status? by cash on hand? popularity? While WE're fighting hard for our life for our health like a warrior here....there are crazy people out there fighting over each other for fame in press for power for money for prestige:

何家等緊何生 Die,
何生 Die 咗何妻 Fly,
.......何妻 High 到 Give me five !

二奶三奶同一 Line,
大奶四奶唔多 Buy !
何生律師Never Mind,
一於告到何妻 Cry !
大家不如猜一猜,最後邊個會仆街 ? ? ?

Monday, February 21, 2011

Frustrated by Annoying Irritations!

I'm the kind of person who can share things openly. I've got no secret to hide from. If I do, those are not secrets as claimed by "normal people", coz, secrets are meant to be discussed by unrelevant KPC (a.k.a Ke-Por-Chi), if I would have anything to hide from my fellow friends, those could be the things that need higher-intelligence to be digested, so make sure you have the brain to READ my mind when I can't TELL - as simple as that.

Fact #1 - I've been staying in pg for almost 2 months; you'd know if you know, if you don't, you shouldn't.
Fact #2 - I'm going to change my jobrole soon reporting to another boss at a different plant joining a totally different group than my current one. you'd know if you know, if you don't, it's just that you are not KPC enough :P
Fact #3 - I'm leaving my current easy  job considering to "explore" my brand new career life; you would understand my statement if you understand me well, if you don't, you are just a normal human being. You don't need to feel sick for guessing the wrong reasons.

Stay tuned for more reveals...................... by dunno when.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


I got this eye-catching bookmark from Popular bookstore today:

"Happiness Is Using Our Potential To The Fullest.
 Striving Against Difficulties And Overcoming Them.
 Reaching Out For Achievements And Finding Them.
 We Are Happy When We Are Learning, Growing And Accomplishing.
 We Are Happy When We Are Working Towards A Worthwhile Goal That Demands The Best Of Us.
 We Are Happy When We Are Helping Others To Succeed Along Life's Journey.
 Search For Happiness In Everything You Do!"

It's always my favourite Quote to tell: The most important thing for one's meaningful life is to Be Happy. Only when we are happy, we are satisfied, we are contented, we are appreciating what we have and what we do. Happy doesn't come Free. However, it's priceless. You can't wait for God to send you happiness, you have to make it happen yourself, with zero-cost of course. So why?? why trouble yourself to be in fears? It's just not worth a dime to dwell on sadness. God is not going to pity your tears. It's the BELIEF, belief that holds us strong. Just about a year ago, right before 2010 CNY, my galfren was crying over her "secret-lover" being revealed, it was a big-NO-relationship to be accepted by her parents. I remember I told her :"fren~ your mom is gonna be there as your mom forever, regardless. That guy is the man that going to be there for the rest of your life ONLY IF you insist and believe into the relationship. Don't Give Up!" She then cried, she's not gonna have a peaceful CNY..... oh Well!!! You know what is Make BELIEF?! A year later, yes, Rabbit year, on chap-goh-mei, this couple had their Register Of Marriage with the blessing of parents and family members and all the best wishes from friends, of course, and all the loves from her unselfish hubby.  Isn't this the bestest of best testimonial to share?? While I'm blogging this post, my deardear asked what am I doing over here next to his bed... ah ha~ I shared this lovely story to him and asked him not to give up. I read the bookmark to him, just like how we started 8 years ago...... it all started from my attitude of "I don't believe this. I want what I want." - so this was me, this is still me. I would say, I am really a lucky one. There is hardly any barrier in my life that could pull me down. I am always lucky to meet nice people helpful people noble people and plenty of chances. I do think everyone deserve a chance and also a second chance. Life is great, be happy to who we are today, and we shall never give up on hopes. God is watching us, God is really watching us, God will listen, God is listening. If I become blind one day, I don't need any proof to the existance of Sun. Hold our hearts together, that's the place we keep and to grow our beliefs.
Wish you all a Joyful Year!


在6 楼,晴。也晒。

Saturday, February 19, 2011


今天的心情,突然不那么紧张彷徨了。凡人而已,还是会嗜睡,还是会心野,依然嘴馋,对电视节目难分难舍。这段不停安慰自己的日子,我竟然也同时安慰了好些人,翠玲说的有意思,我们不应该只用自己的那一套 套在别人的烦脑袋上;学习接纳吧。我觉得你我他应该做的事情,你和他未必认同,我也无法勉强,好吧~大家就尽量不增加彼此的烦恼吧!豁出去了!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

夜 元宵

可以把元宵节当感恩日吗?有关心的鸡精礼盒,有花言巧语的白衣天使,有友爱的新鲜花束,还有血缘的慰问支持,还有还有,还有最值钱最有份量的女伴,和小魔王家庭扑心扑命的付出,小鸡啦,飞天天使,热热辣辣欢送会,今年元宵别有一格,竟然巧遇花车路经此地,我赶紧双手合一 对花车许愿,多想打开6楼窗户把柑抛出去再许个愿。
朋友,今夜 多珍重。

眼睡 =.=

眼皮累了。最近比较早睡,好现象,但肉体上的休息还是无法补充精神上的流失,我在想:该怎样去松弛我的紧张?Social life 我有啊~ 朋友聚餐也有啊~上网看电视聊电话我有啊~吃的份量也多了,碳水化合物的吸收也加倍,我害怕缺食会让我生病,水果也吃多了 害怕维他命不够,上班的时间也长了,害怕赶不上工作的进度,害怕耽误了同事们的进度,顾虑太多,会累,但只要回到609B,我就踏实了,只有实实在在地握住那双手我的心才能定下来,原来,两个人的意义就是酱。

Monday, February 14, 2011




Sunday, February 13, 2011


Life is like riding on a roller coaster.... there's always up and down, in such a momentum.




Saturday, February 12, 2011

喘 。慌



Thursday, February 10, 2011


又是第一天, 又是第一次,值得在这提一提。祝福我前程似锦吧!


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

愤,是因为不满 而生的一口闷气。





Shared by Kiyomi-san:

Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.
Life is beauty, admire it.
Life is bliss, taste it.
Life is a dream, realize it.
Life is a challenge, meet it.
Life is a duty, complete it.
Life is a game, play it.
Life is a promise, fulfill it.
Life is sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a song, sing it.
Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is a tragedy, confront it.
Life is an adventure, dare it.
Life is luck, make it.
Life is too precious, do not destroy it.
Life is life, fight for it.
~Mother Teresa

Life is sucks! you just have to suck it well!
And Life is not Love, so there is no betrayal, Life is all yours, be responsible coz you going to marry yourself.
Nothing is free under the Sun, so does LIFE.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


我今天,如常,确定没便秘的问题,感恩;尿尿顺畅,感恩;臭屁没放,响屁倒是有,很爽,感恩;早餐在饭堂买了两块芋头糕,加点辣椒酱,三两口就吞得一干二净,感恩;外出午餐还有专车接送,手还很有力地拿着汤匙和叉,只管吃,嘴巴除了吃吃喝喝,还和饭友八卦说笑,真感谢主让我有眼有鼻有前有后有耳朵有嘴嘴牙齿喉咙舌头,手手脚脚健在五官也还算端正,能小便能大便原来是比中万字彩票更开心更欢乐!这个世界创造了Miracle这个字就是要解释那些突如其来的兴奋与雀跃,铁男终於可以动他的右脚了!还能双手合掌拍拍拍拍拍呢!!! 我感觉到他的小宇宙了!

不管你是小鸡还是天使,有翅膀还是飞不起,请你看到这里现在赶快马上立刻去小个便,检查它有没有异味,颜色请不清,尿量够不够,如常的话,请谢天谢地并带着感恩的心说:Mi Ra Cle !!


年初六 - 开工大吉!

Sunday, February 6, 2011


最近一直在听这个由美国Dr.EldonTaylor发明的“全脑开发- 内在交谈” CD,有一段话是“放松、放松、放松。。。” -- 放松,谈何容易,对生命对家人对自我价值 我是不可能置之不理,精神放松态度也得绷紧,认定了自己的价值观才会有生存的意义。我真的搞不清楚为什么都这个年代了还是有那么多无知的人为别人而活,把自己的灵魂存放在另一个无价的躯体上,然后再千辛万苦地祈求那躯体会好好保存那不属于他的灵魂,换成是你,你不累么?

压力,很无形,要拿走压力并不难,可以睡一个健康觉,可以练瑜珈,可以畅谈,可以大吃大喝,看看电视看看书本听听音乐环游世界,但要挪走制造压力的外人,OhMyGod! 这可以是一个很煎熬的过程,少点能耐与宽容的心就不成事了。朋友,关心我,请别来增加我的负担,你抛给我的压力,反弹力是超乎想像的,难道你就不能放松 放轻轻松松去给我轻轻松松的空间么?要不然,我借你copy Dr.EldonTaylor的自我肯定话语,你自己去听去学习,我没有时间和精力去开导你了。

愿大家,兔年 放松成长吧~

怪怪的,不是说好要好好轮流照顾国宝的吗?怎么我有股孤军作战的感觉?国宝今天心情和精神都好好,你们都不赶紧来看看他轻松的笑脸么?从窗外看去,交通好好 也没塞车啊~ 拜托~这里是医院 不是老人院,怎么遗弃感那么重,你说,你说,你要我怎么放松??

Saturday, February 5, 2011


紫的,黄的,粉红的,绿叶,假的牡丹假得好漂亮! 从6楼搬到3楼,再从3楼搬回6 楼,牡丹依然动人心扉,还附上大红彤彤的金兔大红包封和甜甜柑,新年气息,人身在何处又有什么相干呢?

Friday, February 4, 2011

兔gather - 大年初二

开年啰~! 咚咚咚咚锵! 立春了,今天开始,一切重新调解,整装待发,要好好利用自己的八字去改改运气了,风水师说得对,命的一半在于天时地利,我们无法预知或控制世界经济地理变换,但我们可以学习控制自己的言语举止,学习改正自己不完美的一面,学习自我增值,学习吸取贵人,学习中庸,学习慷慨,学习向善,学习多一点点的关心,学习对自己负责任,学习对家人承担,学习感恩,学习放下,学习不停的学习,也学习不停的分享、不停的教导身边的人。
天助自助的人,我相信一切的不可能 有一天是会可能的。

Last nite I was watching Sammi's concert from Astro, Ironman bought me the original DVD from HK, love it! We wacthed it many times together. We also love the so-called modern-holy-songs sang by Sammi, nice one! One of my friends wrote it in facebook: "Watching Mi's concert.. listening to her old songs.. reminding things that have changed.." - yeah, me too.... her old songs reminded me alot a lot a's been years... things have changed. and I just hope for a Better Change coming to me to all of us!
...如果今天將失去眼前的一切 剩低青風兩袖也不計 唯獨妳一個是 不可給取替 是我生命裡的一切 ... 如早知今生跟妳注定可相愛 而當初應更努力為未來 下半生 准我留住妳 一直相愛...


Wednesday, February 2, 2011



Tuesday, February 1, 2011

